What are ants?

Frequent, persistent, and annoying are the best ways to describe ants, a common household invader. Other words to describe them, unfortunately, include dangerous and destructive. Ants are social creatures that live and work together in colonies, usually with a single colony having many nesting sites. Though ants tend to look similar in appearance, some species of ants live in and around our homes. Consulting a professional to accurately identify the species causing you problems is important, so proper treatment can occur.

In our area, the most common species of ants to invade our homes and businesses include:

  • Argentine ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Ghost ants
  • Crazy ants
  • Fire ants
  • Sugar ants
  • Odorous house ants

Are ants dangerous?

Despite their small size, ants can be dangerous, depending on the species. While most are just an annoyance to deal with, others pose problems like stinging, biting, spreading diseases and damaging property. In our area, examples of dangerous ants include fire ants, Pharaoh ants, and crazy ants.

  • Fire ants bite, sting, and damage electrical equipment.
  • Pharaoh ants spread disease-causing pathogens that make people very ill. They invade hospitals and other healthcare facilities where they seek moisture in IV bags and patient wounds.
  • Crazy ants invade and damage electric equipment, displace native species of ants, and invade the eyes and ears of livestock and poultry.

Why do I have an ant problem?

Ants are most attracted to properties that provide them with sources of food. Ants live in large colonies and are on the constant lookout for food sources to gather and bring back to the nest. Worker ants create pheromone trails that provide information to other ants, directing them to food sources.

Some of the most common places where ants forage for food include the following:

  • Gardens
  • Compost
  • Trash cans and recycling bins
  • Outdoor eating areas
  • Pet food

Where will I find ants?

Outside ants typically like to nest in damp soil under fallen trees, mulch, dense shrubbery, or landscaping ties — all things most yards contain. Fire ants differ, in that they like to nest out in open sunny areas, making them a common invader of yards, golf courses, athletic fields, and parks.


Once ants are nesting outside on your property, they will eventually find their way inside your home while either foraging for food or trying to escape unsuitable weather. Inside, ants nest in dark, out-of-the-way places like behind walls, under floors, or above ceilings. Many species prefer to nest near water pipes or other areas of moisture. Basements, kitchens, and bathrooms are common nesting spots for ants.


If ants are in your home, you will find them crawling on the floor, on counters, or along walls as they move from the nest to food sources in your home. 

How do I get rid of ants?

Get rid of ants from your California property with the pest control professionals at Malang Pest Control. We are “focused on providing the best pest control services you’ve ever had!” Our commitment to each other, the pest control industry, and our customers allows us to provide exceptional pest control solutions.


We get rid of ants through customized treatment plans, integrated pest management, eco-friendly products, and routine services and keep them from returning. If you are looking for a solution to your ant problem, reach out to Malang Pest Control and learn more about our ant control services!

How can I prevent ants in the future?

Prevent ants in the future by partnering with Malang Pest Control, and putting into place the following prevention tips:

  • If you see ants walking in a trail towards your home, follow the trail and see where they are entering your house. Seal that opening and any other openings in your home you discover.
  • Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, leaf piles, or overgrown shrubbery from your yard that ants find attractive.
  • Keep tight-fitting lids on trash and recycling cans. Maintain compost areas.
  • Pick up uneaten pet food and keep outdoor eating areas clean of leftover food.
  • Reduce excess moisture in your home by using air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and vent fans.
  • Keep your home free of crumbs by vacuuming regularly, wiping down counters, and washing dishes.

Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control offerings.

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